3 Things to Look forward to as a Joint Honours Student
So you’ve chosen a joint honours course and you might be sat there thinking “oh no, what have I gotten myself into?”. Well banish those second thoughts and feast your eyes on this! As a third-year...
View ArticleThree things to look forward to about English at York
Being flung out of your comfort zone (sort of) If there is one thing I can guarantee, it’s that university is nothing like sixth form or college, and that’s awesome. One of the things I really wished...
View ArticleInternational student perspective on life at York
As an international student, it’s sometimes hard to shake off the sense of being an outsider, of not belonging to the community as much as other people. However, I’ve found that York is a really...
View ArticleMy experience of coming to York as a visiting student
Hi, my name is Laura, and I grew up in a small farming community in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. I completed my first and second year at the nearby university. During this time, I frequently...
View ArticleInternational student perspective on life at York
As an international student, it’s sometimes hard to shake off the sense of being an outsider, of not belonging to the community as much as other people. However, I’ve found that York is a really...
View Article3 Things to Look forward to as a Joint Honours Student
So you’ve chosen a joint honours course and you might be sat there thinking “oh no, what have I gotten myself into?”. Well banish those second thoughts and feast your eyes on this! As a third-year...
View ArticleThree things to look forward to about English at York
Being flung out of your comfort zone (sort of) If there is one thing I can guarantee, it’s that university is nothing like sixth form or college, and that’s awesome. One of the things I really wished...
View ArticleWhy I chose English at York after attending a Post Offer Visit Day
It seems bizarre looking back, but when I was choosing my five universities, York was my fifth. I’d filled up my other four options and added York at the bottom simply because I needed another. But...
View ArticleA week in the life of a third year English Literature student
The dreaded reading list: As a literature student there is a lot of reading (pretty obvious right?). But the key thing to remember is that the reading is not actually that much if you organise your...
View ArticleA week in the life of an English and History student
I’m Becky, a third year English and History student. Welcome to a week in my life! Final year is pretty busy, so there is a lot to be done! Monday Reading day! Not the most fun, but necessary. Every...
View ArticleThree things to look forward to about English at York
Thin Ice Press Thin Ice Press is, in my humble opinion, the absolute jewel in the English department’s crown… and this has nothing to do with me being President of Print Society, the student body...
View ArticleHot off the press: our Print Society
At the University of York Students’ Union (YUSU) societies meeting I found myself sitting next to a lovely member of HackSoc, the university’s Computer Science society. He asked what society I am...
View ArticleA day in the life of an English Literature student
My day starts at what for most students is probably an ungodly hour. However, I’ve always been a morning person and I feel most productive first thing in the day. So the day usually starts at 7.30am...
View ArticleThings to Look Forward to: English and Related Literature at York
Hi there! My name is Sophie and I’m an undergraduate student studying English and Related Literature at York. I hope you liked my postcard welcoming you to the Department! Here are just a few of the...
View ArticleApplying for A PhD
Applying for any course abroad is a daunting task. You can get lost in the many decisions you have to take: which country to apply to, which university, and what about funding or other expenses? This...
View Article3 Things to Look forward to as a Joint Honours Student
So you’ve chosen a joint honours course and you might be sat there thinking “oh no, what have I gotten myself into?”. Well banish those second thoughts and feast your eyes on this! As a third-year...
View ArticleShaping your future career as an English Literature student at York
Hi everyone, I’m Anna, a 3rd-year student at the University of York studying English and Related Literature. I’m here to tell you a bit about why I chose to study at the University of York and how you...
View ArticleA week in the life of an English student
Monday Kicking off my weekly life as an English student, early this morning I travelled from my flat in Campus East to Campus West, where the Department of English is based. Today was filled with three...
View ArticleMoving from undergraduate to postgraduate study
Moving from undergraduate to postgraduate study at York for my MA was somehow even more stressful than moving away from home for the first time. At least when I moved for my BA, I had known a few...
View ArticleIs studying at a UK university worth it? Reflecting on my experience
In September 2018, I set foot in the UK for the first time to start my undergraduate studies at York. Flash forward to 2022 and I am currently pursuing a taught Masters; making this the fourth year...
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